Button it up.

Technically what you're doing is legal—but it doesn't mean everyone around you supports it, or needs to know about it.

Intellectually, you're aware the behavior is risky before you undertake it. You would do things differently if you knew of an alternative... but you don't. So when the moment comes for that snap decision, you lull yourself into a false sense of security - that you "probably won't get caught, it will all be fine."

You persuade yourself the risk is worth the reward. After a few consecutive bullets dodged, your subconscious mind lulls you into thinking, "the behavior must not be that risky." After all... you haven't been caught yet.

Except that history disproves that notion, and is littered with the carcasses of promising careers and futures that were quickly toppled by a series of foolish choices that left everyone asking... "what was he thinking?" But in that moment, you aren't thinking—about the legal battle, the reputational damage. The financial loss. The confrontation. The PR mess.

The human brain is a devious organ, and the cortices that regulate risk-seeking and impulsivity controls are highly connected to those which regulate sensation-seeking and our neural reward systems. When we take risks, the brain rewards us chemically—which can dull the ability to realistically assess and mitigate risks and dangers.

You're making a short-term decision that could have long-term consequences—possibly for many people—without taking any real precautions.

What if you didn't have to choose?

BBdBttr offers meaningful risk analysis and assessment for these challenges, and can recommend best practices and provide security, training and technical support, through a full suite of protective services—thanks to advanced technology and techniques guided by experts in the fields of infosec, opsec, cointel, surveillance, security, and covert communication.

There are solutions for every level of risk, and almost everyone could stand to tighten up their operational security. Of course, you might learn more and decide you don't need to increase your security or change your practices and tactics; that's fine, too.

But if you continue to pretend there is no risk, and take no precautions at all, you're tempting fate. Or your ex. Or your boss. Or a reporter. Or karma. Or the gods.

The worst-case scenario isn't worth it.

Smarter travel, safer movement

Where you go, when, and with whom are practically public knowledge today, thanks to the prevalence of surveillance equipment, GPS tracking, and data collection happening regularly in and around us all.

There are effective tools and tactics to restore your privacy while moving through the world.

smiling woman sitting inside the vehicle at daytime
smiling woman sitting inside the vehicle at daytime
closeup photo of eyeglasses
closeup photo of eyeglasses
Safer online activity

We aren't just being watched in public; your movements online are easily tracked and monitored not just by bad actors but by your own devices and systems. Digital trails and records are waiting silently to reveal your thoughts, communications and activities to others.

Improve your hardware, software, defense-tech stack, and best practices, to keep nosy nuisances out of your internet usage.

yellow plastic bag on brown carpet
yellow plastic bag on brown carpet
Shop smarter, spend securely

Financial transactions are closely monitored online and in person, to prevent fraud, terrorism, identity theft and a whole host of dangerous outcomes. But these reasonable security measures can have the unintended consequences of documenting sensitive private purchases that deserve to stay private.

Just because a transaction is legal doesn't mean you want it made public.

a couple of men riding down an escalator
a couple of men riding down an escalator

BBdBttr is a suite of security services and tools which, other than remailing, are not yet available to the public. From this point on, to learn more, you will need a unique referral code.

If you do not have a code, email us to receive an alert when we open up the list.

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