How remailing works
  • The Sender (that's you) has a piece of mail (whether a package or a letter, with postage already affixed), which is intended for a Recipient.

  • Next, the sender places the sealed mailpiece in an outer envelope/container, and mails to the remailer (that's us).

  • Or, the sender has a third party such as Amazon deliver the package to us.

  • Once we receive your mailpiece, we process it, which might take 2-3 business days. To process the mailpiece, we will remove any outer packaging; follow any specific instructions requested by the sender; remail it to the recipient from a US post office; and provide a confirmation to the sender (if requested).

  • Both parties must be US-based. We will not remail anything from outside the US, and we will not mail to any address outside the US. If your situation checks either of these boxes, you may contact us to ask for alternative suggestions.

  • We will only use the U.S. Postal Service, and we will only remail first-class mail. No Priority, No Express, no UPS or Fedex. You (and in turn, we) do not have the same rights and expectations of privacy with any other mail class except first class. If you want to use any mailing service that is not USPS 1st Class, you may contact us to ask for alternative suggestions.

  • We only accept cash or crypto payments for remailing service.

  • We do not participate in any activity that might be a violation of USC Section 18, Chapter 83 (regarding crimes to do with the US Postal Service or US mail), and reserve the right to return or reject any remailing request that might constitute illegal activity.

Let us mail that for you.

America is still a democracy and that conveys the Constitutionally-protected rights to life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. You have a right to privacy when it comes to the information maintained about you and your activities by federal agencies.

In the United States, it is legal (and sometimes even advisable) to send physical first-class mail from a different location, and/or without a return address attached.

It can be time-consuming and expensive to travel to another post office, though, so we can assist.

  • For us to remail a first-class envelope or package with postage already attached is $3 per item.

  • For us to package and then mail an item that was drop-shipped to us (for ex. through Amazon), the fee is $10 plus applicable postage.

  • You may add optional anonymous confirmation service for $2 per item.

Smarter travel, safer movement

Where you go, when, and with whom are practically public knowledge today, thanks to the prevalence of surveillance equipment, GPS tracking, and data collection happening regularly in and around us all.

There are effective tools and tactics to restore your privacy while moving through the world.

smiling woman sitting inside the vehicle at daytime
smiling woman sitting inside the vehicle at daytime
closeup photo of eyeglasses
closeup photo of eyeglasses
Safer online activity

We aren't just being watched in public; your movements online are easily tracked and monitored not just by bad actors but by your own devices and systems. Digital trails and records are waiting silently to reveal your thoughts, communications and activities to others.

Improve your hardware, software, defense-tech stack, and best practices, to keep nosy nuisances out of your internet usage.

yellow plastic bag on brown carpet
yellow plastic bag on brown carpet
Shop smarter, spend securely

Financial transactions are closely monitored online and in person, to prevent fraud, terrorism, identity theft and a whole host of dangerous outcomes. But these reasonable security measures can have the unintended consequences of documenting sensitive private purchases that deserve to stay private.

Just because a transaction is legal doesn't mean you want it made public.

a couple of men riding down an escalator
a couple of men riding down an escalator

BBdBttr is a suite of security services and tools, not yet available to the public. From this point on, to learn more, you will need a unique referral code.

If you do not have a code, email us to receive an alert when we open up the list.

Next steps